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The Week of Giving Thanks


This is the week of Thanksgiving, so it it's a good time to remind ourselves of the benefits of cultivating a practice of gratitude into our daily lives.  The physical and mental health benefits of expressing gratitude are many, and some might even surprise you.   Evidence certainly seems to suggest that gratitude journaling can not only increase one’s happiness, it can even reduce inflammation in the body.

Here are some of the top reasons for practicing gratitude.

For more: Read Emmons’ essay about “Why Gratitude is Good” and Giacomo Bono’s essay on “What We Still Don’t Know about Gratitude and Youth.”

The question is how can we (effortlessly) incorporate expressing gratitude into our day to day life.

Here are some ways we can do this:

  • Keeping a journal of gratitude or in some way note the big and little joys of daily life.

  • Writing down "three good things"—identifying three things that have gone well for you and then also identify the cause.

  • Writing thank-you notes to others.

  • Thinking about people who have inspired you and what about them was most significant.

  • Engaging in "mental subtraction." Imagine what your life would be like if some positive event had not occurred.

It’s important to mention that actually writing these things down seems to  have a far greater positive impact than just thinking thoughts of  gratitude.

Have a good week

Much love Saskia XXX

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