In our busy lives nowadays- how many of us take the time to connect, REALLY connect with and listen to our bodies. As women we can sometimes feel pressure to compete with men and also to be consistent all the time. Awareness of our lunar cycles can help us flow more with the natural cyclic movement of life and lead to a happier more peaceful existence. We can also heighten our intuition and increase manifesting powers! Our cycles are truly magical ladies, let’s harness them together!
Step 1:
Track your cycle- do your research or use one of the many period tracking apps on your phone.
Step 2:
Once you’ve identified which phase you’re in – read about it below and from there you can plan your monthly schedule of classes at BU Evolution. Let us support you through each phase with my personal recommendations of supportive classes:
This is a time of rest and for going within. Try beginning your day with a 20 minute beautiful Overflowing Heart Meditation and then some Relaxing Yin or Restorative yoga. We are super connected to our emotions and intuition during this time. It is good to listen to this and to share in a super safe space. Join sisters at our Womb Circle (exclusive to women). Since our hearts are naturally more open, why not also join our Intimate Relating session and find out how to connect more intimately in all of your relationships. Crystallization Coaching can also allow us to go deeper within our souls during this time and understand our divine design.
Follicular/ Pre-ovulation
In this phase we are extra creative, able to be more assertive and also take more risks. It is a great time to start new projects so why not join our Accountability Club which can support you in setting and maintaining goals and Manifestation Academy to raise your vibration and achieve the reality you desire. Follicular is a powerful re-birth phase and therefore a time for letting go stress, anger and anything that doesn’t serve us. The Alter is a beautiful sacred space where we can leave behind anything that no longer serves us and our Rapid Transformation Therapy- Kick stress and anxiety goodbye is really helpful to help you manage these kinds of emotions. Why not also try emotionally-balancing Lu Jong.
During Ovulation we are at our fiery peak of energy. Why not try Hatha Flow yoga and transformative Qi Gong! It is also a time to have important conversations, bring things to fruition, reflect on what you have and express gratitude. Try our Speaking the Journey, Mantra Chanting and share what’s in your heart in the Mixed Authentic Sharing group.
Luteal/ Pre-menstruation
We are winding down and preparing for menstruation during this time and it is therefore very important to really be kind to yourself, stay centered, rest and cleanse. Why not try purifying Kundalini Yoga, Compassion Focused Mindfulness, EFT, beautiful Sound Bath healing and Breathe Nourishment, activating our natural healing processes.
Try us for free for 5 days here (no credit card needed!)
I hope to see you in one of our classes soon and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out:
Have a beautiful week